Friday 30 September 2016


Hey guys! This post will be about swimming

Swimming is a water sport and you can do it by individual or in a group. Normally, you can swim in the sea or in a swimming poor. However, if you are beginner, I will recommend you go to swim in the swimming poor. Due to the undercurrent of the sea, it will exhaust body and increase the difficultly of swim.

Swimming is an aerobic sports and it have many benefits to human body. Basically, it can reduce the probability of the swimmers to get the heart attack and help them to loss weight.  

After we have introduced the benefits of swimming, we will start to talk about the technique of swimming. In the long term history, human have developed four different swimming styles, which include Front crawl, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly stroke.

- Front crawl
The Front crawl is a swimming style that the swimmer keeps a face-down position. This style requires the swimmers move their arm as circle and use their feet stroke to provide the force to move forward.

The Backstroke is a swimming style that the swimmer keeps a face-up position. This style is normally same as the front crawl, but it is more require the swimmers to relax their body.

The Breaststroke is a swimming style that imitates the frog swim. The main feature of this style is the frog kick, which the legs of the swimmers move like the frog leg movement.

-Butterfly stroke
Butterfly stroke is also a swimming style which have a face-down position. However, unlike the front crawl, the swimmer needs to synchronous pull and push with both arms. Also, the main point of the leg movement is depending on their waist movement.

If you want to have health body and keep fit, I highly start swimming today. Hope to see u guys in the next post!

Written by Ricky Law

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