Wednesday 12 October 2016

Football (Defending)

Football (Defending)

Hey guys! Here is the second part of my topic of football– defending.
Football is not all about attacking, but defending is also very important.
Skills included in defending are tackling, marking, positioning, heading, etc.
And I think tackling is amongst the most important part in defending and I am going to briefly explain tackling.
Normally, there are two types of tackling in football, namely sliding tackle and standing tackle.
Here are the steps of make a tackle:
  1. Run towards the person you want to tackle.
  2. Decide on the type of tackle you want to use.
  3. Visualise your move preparing your body.
  4. Keep your eyes open and throw your body feet first towards the ball.
 And standing tackle is even more simple, you don't need to slide on the group, but to look at the ball clearly which is holding by the opponent, and then kick away the ball.

(Written by Henry Yau)

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