Monday 10 October 2016

Table Tennis

Table tennis is an indoor sport played on a table with table tennis rackets and ping pong balls. The game can be played in a singles or doubles format. The sport in fact is almost identical to tennis except it is played on a table. There are many different strokes in table tennis that are used for different situations. Different side spins forces to opposition to play certain shots to combat the spin in order to return the ball back onto the table, as a result, table tennis is a very strategic and precise game.

Now here are 4 reasons why table tennis is basically a bullshit sport.

1. The table is so small and its soo hard to aim. If you try hit it a little bit harder, the ball will probably fly to China. There is a 90% chance of it going out and 5% chance of hitting the opponent and 4% chance of it hitting the net and that leaves 1% chance of you actually returning it back correctly.

2. The experts make it look deceptively easy that its unfair. Like every time you watch the Olympics and they play table tennis, the best players are always Asian, either Korean, Chinese or Japanese. So anyone who isn't one of those races are already at a disadvantage.

3. The ball breaks all the time. The table tennis ball is made of plastic probably from factories in China. Everyone knows things made from china break within a few days and is probably fake. Picture this, you're playing table tennis at your friends house and the ball goes out, next thing you know, he accidentally steps on it. GAME OVER. Would this accident happen if you were playing soccer? I don't think so.

4. 90% of participants are Asian. Okay, so this isn't so much of a problem if you're Asian. But if you're European or African or from Oceania, you'll not only feel left out, but you'll get a lot of funny faces too. Take for example the NSW Junior Table Tennis teams. 90% of the boys and girls are all Asian, and this is Australia we're talking about. This means that the future of table tennis for Australia basically lies in the hands of the amount of Chinese immigrants we get.

Here is a short video of a Japanese expert playing table tennis.

(written by Nathan Lam)

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